I've been meaning to write this for quite some time. We did well in Disney World and it was due to a few things: 1. For every child with autism, you need at least one parent, grandparent, aunt, etc. to help corral or monitor where each child is and what they are doing. 2. Get a letter from your child's doctor stipulating that he or she has autism. As soon as you enter the park, go to guest services and let them know that you need a Guest Pass for your child. This pass allows your child to go into the express/fast pass line or the disability line for nearly all of the rides. The pass allows for five other guests to ride the ride with the person who has the disability. We had two letters and two passes which allowed us to have as many as twelve people enter the express/fast pass line. The child with the disability has to be with the group entering the fast pass lane. Disney cast members will check for the Guest pass. At first we didn't think we would need the Guest pass beca...