"Destructo" is Peter's Alias
I fear that Peter has a villainous alter-ego known as "Destructo"-- at least that's how it feels at times. In the last two weeks alone he shattered my cheval mirror (talk about 7 years bad luck. . .), a drinking glass and pulled a wall cabinet off the wall of the bathroom-- in the process breaking two ginger jars and an elaborate tealight holder that was a gift from my sister-in-law. It's not as if I wasn't around when these thing happen-- they just happen so quickly you can't stop them. And each time something like this happens, I become a little more jaded about whether we will ever have a nice looking house. On the plus side, our house is already a fixer-upper and while we've completed most of the exterior work and many interior problems, most of the cosmetic issues are still outstanding. This is probably a good thing. Since I tore a small hole in the wall looking for a junction box for the phone line (only to discover that the builders put a metal elec...