Same Child, Different Day

I received an e-mail from the father of a child with autism and he has written a book about dealing with autism the first year after diagnosis. The website is Same Child, Different Day (I love the title--it fits so well.) Excellent idea, I thought of doing something similar and had not heard of his book until now. Now that I have, I am going to put it out there for anyone needing to know what it's like to deal with all the surprises following an autism diagnosis.

Jon's e-mail reminded me that I have neglected this blog dreadfully and plan on updating it very soon. We went to Disney World for vacation for the first time with the boys this summer and I have tips and suggestions for making the every day run smoothly (always a plus!).


Jon G said…

Thanks for spreading the word. Let me know if you or any of your readers ever need anything!

All the best,
Anonymous said…
Please touch base with us. We'd like to share your story on

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