"Being Autistic, Being Human"
I'm not sure how I missed this but in September, Speaking On Faith, a program produced by American Public Media, did a special on autism. A friend of mine sent me the link to the website . The interview of Paul Collins and Jennifer Elder looked into their relationship with their son, Morgan, who has autism. Paul Collins, a literary historian, has written a second book on autism called Not Even Wrong: Adventures in Autism . Elder is an artist and author who has written a number of books for chidren regarding autism. Her latest is Different Like Me: My Book of Autism Heroes . What was funny was that their descriptions of Morgan's behavior reminds me of all three of my children. My husband jokes that Gabrielle is "all transmit, no receive." She's constantly telling us things that aren't that important and aren't urgent but she gets them in her head and they have to come out. Right then, right there. She can be unaware of social nuance and yet be extremely se...