Something Unique? Nah. . .

At therapy this morning another mother of an autistic boy told me that she felt better when she saw me with two boys who were autistic. She told me that one didn't seem so bad when she considered that she could have had two. She then related a conversation she had with a friend about me and my two sons. She and her friend agreed that they didn't know of anyone else who had two autistic boys.

Personally, I know of two other families dealing with two children on the autism spectrum. Granted, we may have a third in our daughter but since she has never been officially diagnosed, I can't officially claim that third one at this time.

Something unique-- no, a little unusual but not unique or even rare.

I am seriously thinking about having Gabrielle evaluated however. And depending on what happens, we may end up in the unusual or "rare" category as a family.

Gabrielle is very bright but some of her behaviors-- very television oriented, short attention span, phenomenal memory, social awkwardness, difficulty sitting still, doesn't seem to notice or care about her personal appearance, etc. are signs that we should maybe be concerned. I thought she would "outgrow" some of these behaviors-- in other words, I really thought that the older she got the more she would learn proper behaviors and eschew the more awkward ones. But that's not the case. In fact, as she gets older, she digs her heels in more and more and we are having some problems changing inappropriate or negative behaviors.

She had a book review due today and she has known about it since Christmas. We had picked out a book for her to review and I repeatedly told her to read the book. Of course she didn't have it completely read when she had to turn in the rough draft two weeks ago and we had a fight over completing the rough draft-- the bulk of the work had been done by the teacher-- and yet Gabrielle still didn't want to do it. Last night she finished the final one-page review that was due today-- after four hours of writing it over and over because she kept making numerous mistakes (at one point she had 25 typos and strikethroughs).

She hated writing the review and hated reading the book. It wasn't the subject-- it was the actual reading she didn't want to do.

If I don't see another book review for a year it will be too soon.


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