Oh, What a Day!

Well, day one of Spring Break has ended not so much with a bang as with a whimper (mine!)

My husband's parents stopped by on their way back home after visiting my sister-in-law and her family in Georgia. We thought they were staying the night so I was frantically trying to re-clean things that I had already cleaned earlier in the week. (Three kids + two with autism + Spring Break = Great Big Mess)

While sorting papers (ironically, mostly the boys' paperwork), Peter and Nathan decided to play in the upstairs bathroom (what is it with autistic kids and water??). Their idea of playing in the water is to clog (a clean) toilet with wipes, pour in a brand new bottle of shampoo and flush-- repeatedly.

I realized that a) the downstairs was too quiet and b) I was hearing what I thought was just the washing machine in stereo. While running into the kitchen, I yelled for Gabrielle to run up the stairs to stop them-- I was just in time for water to begin pouring down over the sink in the kitchen. I've honestly lost count of the number of times these two boys have flooded the bathroom.

And before you ask, yes there was a lock on the bathroom door but the oldest child in the house (that would be the 15-year-old male in the 40-year-old body) broke it by horsing around and I haven't had a chance to figure out how to fix it. I've been trying to remember to put a gate up but that doesn't help someone in desperate need of the facilities.

Anyway, I just keep telling myself that we bought the townhouse in the first place as a fixer upper. We keep fixing it up so it's fulfilled our expectations several times over.


Jersmom said…
Hi there my name is Jenn and I also have a metopic son.He will be having surgery on 3/31 at 16.5 months old.I would love to chat with you about autism/cranio.My email is struskijeremy@hotmail.com
Jersmom said…
Hi there my name is Jenn and my son is also metopic.He will be having surgery on 3/31 at 16.5 months of age.I find your story very similar to ours.I would love to chat with you about autism/cranio.My email is struskijeremy@hotmail.com.Take care and hang in there

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