
It's amazing what we take for granted as "normal."

Getting the boys haircuts is so difficult. They are too old for a stroller so I can't strap one of them in while getting the other one's hair cut. And often I have to sit with each boy to keep him calm while this is going on. So I have to go with someone else-- I can't get their haircuts done by myself but it seems like my husband is always at work and he's the best one to go with me.

Yesterday, I finally broke down and bought a hair clipper kit. Up to this point I thought if I tried to cut the boys' hair I would tear their hair up and it would look awful. However, Nathan was beginning to look like a girl with his hair so long and fluffy (my husband and I both have thick hair so each of the kids has really thick hair).

So I clipped the boys' hair late yesterday and, even if I do say so myself, they both look pretty good. Granted they could have held still longer so I could trim the temples a little straighter but, considering that it was my first time doing it and that they held pretty still despite the tears, we did okay.

And yes, Nathan definitely looks like a boy again.


Anonymous said…
Hi !
Are you in Ct?
I specialize in children & children & adults with special need & I come to your home.I also do this in name is Geraldine Mckeon & the name of my business is Haircuts At home.203 901 2216 or 212 769 7712. .
hope this helps!
Best regards,
Geraldine McKeon

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