Nathan Still Sick and Peter Not Napping

Nathan's fever broke over the weekend (his fever lasted about 24 hours or so) but he's been in a grumpy/clingy mood ever since. I'm fearful he has an ear infection (which is more common in kids with autism) and I'm praying he doesn't. He's supposed to see an ENT on Thursday as a follow-up to a previous appointment. However, when he has an ear infection he's extremely grumpy and extremely clingy and it's impossible to get anything done.

To add to this, over the weekend Peter figured out how to climb over his gate (without a chair or any other height enabling assistance). He has gotten tall enough that he can swing his leg over, hoist himself up and drop to the other side and, although I do have concerns about his ability to sing anything lower than a high tenor in the future, he manages to do this without getting hurt. Right now he is lying on our couch supposedly attempting sleep but it doesn't sound like we will have a successful naptime. And, again, I have writing deadlines.


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