My Pinch-Hitter

My husband is off today which is unusual. Normally he works Saturday mornings and because he gets up really early (2:30 a.m.), he's exhausted by the time he gets home. This means he takes a nap (he falls asleep whether he wants to or not) and I have all three kids by myself for almost the full day with little relief in sight. (When he does wake from his nap, my husband is still tired and grumpy.)

Today, I get a little break. I won't have to wrestle Peter during naptime by myself. I won't have to harp at Gabrielle to clean up one of her many notorious messes. (Why is it dads can say something once in that deeper voice and kids jump to obey?) And Nathan will have another person with which to play jungle gym.

Now, if I could convince my husband to let me take a nap. . .


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