Mother's Day

My husband and I were told that it would be very difficult for us to have children. Mother's Day would always tear me up because it was just a reminder of our infertility and how much it hurt not to be a mother.

Today, in spite of my sons' conditions, I couldn't be happier. What seemed to be missing, my children, are here and that's all that matters.

I'm asked all the time if raising children with autism is difficult. The answer is yes, it's very difficult. But the rewards are priceless--when one of them potty-trains or says "I love mama," these are far more significant achievements than those of neuro-typical children and I have had the honor to witness these hard-won victories.

Becoming a parent teaches you just how selfish you are. Becoming the parent of a child with special needs teaches you just how unselfish you are willing to be.

To all moms, moms-to-be, grandmothers, loving aunts and the teachers of our wonderful children: Happy Mother's Day!


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