A New Gate Works Wonders

My husband went out last night and bought a new gate for Peter's room and as I readied the kids for bed, he tried to figure out the best way to use it.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, my husband is the modern American male and grew up watching too much television. He's often all thumbs when it comes to home improvement. He can, however, beat just about anyone, on almost any topic, when it comes to pop culture trivia.

So as he struggled to figure the contraption out, I had to come to his aid. I grew up with a father who insisted that we know how to change a tire, check the oil, swing a hammer and know a Phillip's screwdriver from a common.

After adjusting the gate, we discovered to our delight that it fit much tighter than the old one and Peter was at a loss as to how to scale it since it was also a few inches taller.

Yippee! For the first night in about a week, we seem to have won the battle.

However, the war wages on. Peter will get taller and in a few short months we'll have to figure out a new way of keeping him in bed.


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